MOCOP Kids loves children, and children love MOCOP Kids! MOCOP Kids offers a great mix of programs. We have programs for kids ages 4-12 on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evening. Our theme verse is Proverbs 22:6 (ERV) “6 Teach children in a way that fits their needs, and even when they are old, they will not leave the right path.”
It is the MOCOP Kids’ vision to explode forth the church of today.
It is our hope that every child will learn how to establish a relationship with the Lord and that every child will have an opportunity to use their gifts and talents to glorify the Father.
MOCOP Kids is here to serve God by ministering to his children and their parents. God has called us to ensure the children are safe, loved, and trained according to God’s Word. Our curriculum, special programs, and Sunday Worship all apply Biblical stories and principles pointing to salvation through Jesus Christ, and uniting the Body of Christ.
Since the responsibility for training God’s children rests primarily with the parents, we believe it is important for the Servant Workers and parents to remain in close contact. In support of the development of mature, holistic children, the MOCOP Kids Parent Servant Fellowship (PSF) acts as a bridge for our children between MOCOP Kids, Home, School, and Community. PSF offers Sunday morning meet and greet, quarterly parenting seminars and mentoring.
8:15 am -10:00 am Ministry practice - every Sunday
8:30 am - 9:30 am - Sunday School - every Sunday
10:00 am -11:30 am - Children’s Church 1st-3rd, and 5th Sunday
10:00 am -11:30 am - Pastor Sam’s Writing ACAdemy 4th Sunday
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - WeeKids 1st and 3rd Wednesday
Sunday Morning
Sunday School, Kid-Style
Sunday school is offered every Sunday morning at 8:30 am. Curriculum is the Bible, supplemented by fun and games, and Bible-based, child-centered, doctrinally and educationally sound literature.
MOCOP Kids Children’s Church - Church by children for children
MOCOP Kids is a kid-friendly worship time at 1o:00 am in the small sanctuary. Everything in our praise and worship service is led by children! There is always a great combination of kid-style music, fun and teaching from God's Word. Subsequent classes are held based on the child’s age on September 1 of the school year.
Pastor Sam’s Writing ACAdemy - Accelerating Child Authors
This program encourages our children to use their writing skills to glorify God. The purpose of the program is to enhance the writing skills of children who are already advanced in writing and assist the development and growth of writing skills for children who need a little help.
Wednesday Night WEEKids
WEEKids (Wednesday Evening Evangelizing Kids) is filled with fun for children ages 4 to 12. We memorize verses, play games, sing songs and learn the Word of God. The main focus is for the children to enjoy the fellowship with each other and burn off some of the excitement of the week by praising and worshiping God.